IEEE 1100 Compliance Testing
IEEE 1100 is a standard that includes a power immunity requirement that is more severe than SEMI F47.
SEMI F47 requires immunity to voltage sags. IEEE 1100 also requires immunity to voltage swells and impulses.
Although the original ITIC curve was intended only for single-phase, 120V equipment, PSL has developed a well-accepted test protocol for applying this curve to 3-phase equipment as well.
Click on the graph. Power Standards Lab has developed the accepted testing protocol for verifying compliance with IEEE 1100 / ITIC.
Testing for IEEE 1100 requires an instrument that can generate voltage sags, voltage swells, and impulses
The PSL Industrial Power Corruptor is ideal for this.Power Standards Lab specializes in preparing IEEE 1100 reports at your site, or in our lab, or through our TestingPartner program. Please contact us to get started.

PSL certifies semiconductor tools for IEEE 1100 compliance.