
Seminar is intended primarily for professionals from industry, who are faced with problems of power quality and energy management. The cost of electricity in industrial plants makes significant part of total costs, but the same time many plant outages are related to power quality problems. Plant outages are very costly and happen more often, because modern industrial equipment is complex and sensitive to power quality problems.


Therefore, there must be interest in industry to control the costs of electricity and its quality. This means great savings and more efficient business, as well as better defined relationship with electricity provider.


Following are the major topics:

  • The basic of power quality at service entrance and the plant energy management
  • Principles and equipment for power quality and energy management measurement
  • Examples of solving problems in praxis



Alex McEachern is a world famous expert in the field of power systems. He is convinor of more working groups with IEC and IEEE and has written some of the most important international standards. Alex is the founder of BMI and Power Standards Lab companies, has registered 29 patents and led professional seminars for 20 years worldwide.


Term and location:

Seminar will be held on Tuesday, 24.4.2012., from 9.00 pm to 14.00 am in Zagreb, Hotel International, Miramarska 24,Grand Hall II.

Participation is FREE OF CHARGE. Refreshments and lunch are included.

Please confirm your attendance with the short email at  or by phone:+385 (0)1 6152 606.



Contact informations:

Nenad Gavranovic, commercial manager

TECTRA d.o.o.

Licka 33

HR-10000 Zagreb

Tel:  +385 (01) 615 2606

Fax: +385 (01) 615 2605



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